The 23andMe Lifestyle Dashboard allows users to see real-time patterns of their activity, and receive insights that may help achieve a healthier lifestyle.
There are four possible reasons why no data would be shown for one or more dashboard filters.
You did not authorize this data to be shared with 23andMe
In order for 23andMe to provide personalized insights and display data on your dashboard, users are required to share data from the Google FitTM app with 23andMe. If you are not seeing data displayed for any filter within your dashboard, it is likely that you did not authorize this data to be shared with 23andMe. If you would like to change this, you can do so within your device settings by following the steps below:
How to authorize this data to be shared with 23andMe
- Open the 23andMe app on your device
- Tap your profile picture in the upper-right corner
- Scroll to the preferences section of your settings
- Confirm you would like to share data with 23andMe
You do not have a wearable device required for certain dashboard filters
There are a few data types that can only be collected with a wearable device, such as a Fitbit® tracker. The heart rate, exercise, and total calories dashboard filters all require a wearable device. If no data is shown for these filters, it is likely because you do not have one of these devices. If you are now gazing at your bare wrist longingly, never fear! We can still track your steps and flights climbed (as long as your phone is on your person when you’re skipping the elevator).
23andMe has not detected movement for 7 days
Did you forget your phone and Fitbit® tracker at home while backpacking through Yosemite National Park for a week? Way to unplug! Unfortunately, no data will be shown in your Lifestyle Dashboard. Users must have their wearable device or phone on their person for data to be collected. If you have no activity for a week or had no device with you during such activity, you will not see any data shown on your dashboard. For this same reason, tablet users may not see data shown in their Lifestyle Dashboard.
Your wearable device has not been synced with the Google Fit app
If you do not fall into one of the above categories, but you are not seeing any data shown in your Lifestyle Dashboard, you may not have synced your wearable device with the Google Fit app. Unlike iOS devices, wearables like the Fitbit tracker must be synced with the Google Fit app before movement data can be tracked and shared with other apps like 23andMe. Please ensure that you have linked your wearable device to the Google Fit app on your device. You can find steps on how to do so here.
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©2020 Google LLC All rights reserved. Google FitTM is a trademark of Google LLC.
Fitbit® is a registered trademark of Fitbit, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries.